To my Friends and Family-in-the-Lord:
I want to thank so many of you for the encouragement you've given to and confidence you've shown in me. As Zig Ziglar notes, even those who try to encourage others need to be encouraged themselves.
All of us can reach our God-ordained potential, the "high calling" He has for us, of that I am now sure. All that is required is staying the course, which we can only do with the help of our friends and family. Doing so involves willingness to endure pain. Pain requires us to grow in love, for without love, none can withstand it.
These are amazing times in which we live. Evil is growing in intensity and scope, yes. But, even more, the Kingdom of Light is igniting. The fires of the Holy Spirit are being kindled, in far-off places as well as close to home. Many hearts are being joined into the Great Family that We will be (and already are) for eternity.
My prayer is that I can be there for you and others as you have been for me.
Let's each bring our fuel to the fire. We have much to give.
There is much more to say. Let me close as I began:
Quaife Nichols
Ps I recently read (or better put, experienced) a book that has had more effect on me than any other than the Bible itself: Heaven Awaits the Bride, by Anna Rountree. Some may have a theological issue with someone visiting heaven. If so, perhaps you could read it as an allegory (such as the Narnia Chronicles) that contains much truth.
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