Monday, September 19, 2011


Every day all things are different yet, deep down, ever the same!
The world is crashing to a halt and rushing to a new beginning.
Hope is rising; despair is mounting. Our lives are growing....
and ebbing away. We know more but are sure of less. Both darkness and light are clearer,
yet we live in the grey. We can feel more--both joy and pain. An expanding horizon of possiblities beckons and, as we move toward it, responsiblities hem us in like a nipping sheep dog his herd.
Yet, somehow, through it all, life continues, purposeful, moving toward His inexorable ends. The enemy of our souls would prove his power to contol;
the One who is over all asks us to trust that He is .

Monday, September 12, 2011

Without Faith


Faith. One of the Big Three of 1 Cor 13:13. So much has been written and spoken about faith. You'd think we'd have it down by now! All true believers want to please God, to be His friend, and make Him smile! The only way to do this is with faith (Heb 11:6).

The good news is that God gives us our faith and helps it develop (Heb 12:2). We help the process by listening to the Word (Rom 10:17), acting on it (James 2:17) and sharing our faith with others (Philemon 6, Amp).

Faith is a spirit (2 Cor 4:13) and a thing of the Spirit. Only to spiritual folk does the life of faith make any sense (1 Cor 2:14). (You're believing for something that you don't have from Someone that you can't see...?!)   The reason faith can't be "nailed down" is because it flows out of our relationship with the Father (like everything else in a believer's life!). The closer we are to Him, the more we will be filled with His spirit of faith. That is why whenever the Lord appeared fear (the opposite of faith in God) and doubt were dispelled.

I recently read the testimony of a man who claims to have had an extended conversation with the Lord in a vision. While being greatly enheartened by being in His presence, he mentioned that the experience brought him to a realization of how many areas of his life he was not living in faith in.

The point is not to finger point or to compare ourselves with one another. It is simply to be encouraged that there is so much more! God has amazing areas of living-faith that we have not even dreamed of (1 Cor 2:9).  If we ask and seek and listen He will reveal.